To coincide with Organ Donation Week from the 7th – 13th September 2020, we would like to shine a spotlight on Organ Donation – looking at the right information to help you make the right choices for you and your family. Sifting through the myths and getting to the facts of the matter. The NHS
Hammer Down Hassan When you are thinking of staying at home for many weeks, it can be a daunting prospect but why not check out this uplifting film. Let’s look for ways we can keep ourselves active and healthy. Share your ideas with us and we will bring together ideas and information to keep us
Active Bradford is a partnership of organisations committed to making Bradford a healthier and more prosperous place to live and work. Each year Active Bradford host an awards ceremony where they recognise those people and organisations who go above and beyond in their local area to help other people get active or through their own
This film is a must see – bringing together clinicians, families and the ASUK team to Groove to the Alstrom Stroove! Alström Syndrome UK are always looking for fun and innovative ways to stay fit and healthy. Alström can often lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes so leading a healthy lifestyle is very important
With the cold and wintery nights setting in why not grab something warm and comforting and take 5 minutes to read our latest newsletter. This edition is full to the brim with family stories and adventures – including a Game of Thrones adventure in Ireland and one of our members relaxing in the Highlands. You
Can you remember when we gathered together on our bikes to ride from Torquay to Birmingham, an amazing 200 miles to raise money and awareness of Alstrom Syndrome or when Nichola Martland along with her friends and family persuaded her friend to be waxed!! Eeekkk!! We rely on your continued generosity and support to continue
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