Time to celebrate! On Friday 31st July Muslims around the world will be celebrating Eid Ul-Adha, the second of the annual Eid festivals, referred to as ‘Big Eid.’ This festival occurs directly after the month of Hajj in the Islamic Calendar. Hajj is the great Pilgrimage every Muslim must attend once in their lifetime, it
Have your say… As you know the world has changed as we know it, with everything now becoming virtual and that has included our multidisciplinary clinics too… In June 2020, NHS England facilitated a consultation to learn more about patients experience of telemedicine clinics, 3 AS patients contributed to the telephone consultation and as you
Join us and connect together Healthy Minds, Healthy You Webinar On Thursday 22nd October 2020 we will be hosting a webinar with Anne-Marie Walker and Sarah Turner, both Psychologists who are part of our Alstrom Syndrome clinical service. They will be giving an insight into how we can look after our mental wellbeing during
WHAT IS RAMADAN? In 2020, Ramadan will be from around the 23rd/24th April for 29/30 days. It is the holiest month of the year for Muslims as it is when the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). During the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world will fast, meaning they won’t eat or
Hammer Down Hassan When you are thinking of staying at home for many weeks, it can be a daunting prospect but why not check out this uplifting film. Let’s look for ways we can keep ourselves active and healthy. Share your ideas with us and we will bring together ideas and information to keep us
There is also specific advice for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, so please ensure you relate our guidance to your own area too: If you live in Wales, the government’s advice on shielding can be found here: https://gov.wales/guidance-shielding-and-protecting-people-defined-medical-grounds-extremely-vulnerable-coronavirus-0 If you live in Scotland, the government’s advice on shielding can be found here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/covid-shielding/ If you
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