

Your Donations Make a Difference!

Thank you to all our friends, families and supporters who give so generously to ASUK throughout the year.
We really appreciate all that you do and promise to make sure we make every penny count!

You can donate safely and securely through the Just Giving charity page:

This funding enables our support services to continue, and enables vital equipment for those affected to ensure they can lead an independent and fulfilled life, full of possibilities!

You can now request an ASUK goodie bag to help with your fundraising.
Please contact Catherine Lewis by email to discuss further 


Creativity is the Key!

There are so many ways to help and raise funds for ASUK.

Be creative, the more creative the idea the more publicity and the more money that could be potentially raised for our great cause. Get your little ones involved and think about sponsored events such as a sponsored swim, toddle, run, walk or ask your local school to organise a play or concert and the proceeds could go to ASUK.

The local community could get involved by organising a car boot sale, summer fete, coffee morning or an evening dance event. For the grown ups, get creative by baking cakes to sell at work or organise a pub quiz or a murder mystery evening or a speed dating evening! The possibilities are endless… and don’t forget to take lots of photos of your event for our newsletter and website. These could also be sent to your local newspaper to raise awareness of Alström Syndrome and the work of the charity.

Have a look on our ideas and inspirational story pages for some great ideas to get you started!

Catherine would love to hear from you to discuss your fundraising ideas… please get in touch with her by email

Go on… Get Jumping, Running, Baking and Even Waxing Ouch!!